Account & User Management

How do I manage my team?

When you add users to your Detectify account, you can manage your team by adding and removing team members and assigning them roles.


Go to Organization in the menu, then to the Members tab; you will find all you need to manage your team there.



How do I add users to my team?

Inviting your coworkers to Detectify allows you to work with security as a team and share results.

All you need to do to start using Teams is add the first team member to your account. Here’s how:

1. Go to Organization

2. In the members page, click the Invite button.

3. In the Invite team members pop-up, select the role you want to assign to one or more members.

If you want to know more about the different roles, you can find that information in the upper right corner “What are Roles?

4. Enter one or multiple email addresses. You can paste email addresses if they're separated with commas, spaces, semicolons, etc. When you have added all the emails, click the Invite button. 

It will take some seconds to process the invites. A success message will be shown on completion. 

That’s it! Your team members will receive one email each and can join the team.

Search and Filters

Use search and filters to filter on specific users. You can also sort the different categories by clicking each title in the table. 



Export Members

Click the Export CSV button to download the members list as a CSV file. Before exporting, you can use search or filters to customize the exported CSV file.



Update Member’s Role

Select the member you want to change the role for, click the role selector, and select the new role you want to assign. 


If you select Admin, there is an additional step to confirm. A success message will be shown after it has been updated.


Remove Member From Team

Select the member you want to remove, click the actions button, and select Remove. You need to confirm the removal action. A success message will be shown after it has been removed.



Remove - Revoke an Invite

If a member has a pending invite, you can revoke it by clicking the actions button and selecting Revoke. You need to confirm the revoke action. A success message will be shown after it has been revoked.


If a member has an expired invite, you can remove it by clicking the actions button and selecting Remove. A success message will be shown after it has been removed.