Connector for DigitalOcean

Connect to DigitalOcean using API

To connect with DigitalOCean using their API, follow these steps:

  1. In your DigitalOcean dashboard, pick API from the menu.
  2. Generate a new token:
    1. Give it a name
    2. Set expiry to never
    3. Untick write access
  3. Copy the Personal Access token you generated and add it to the Add connector flow in the Detectify UI seen below.

When the connector is created, it will be seen in the list of connectors on the connectors page. Domains stored in DigitalOcean will be synced with your Detectify team every 8 hours. You can also manually sync by clicking the Action menu on your DigitalOcean connector in the list of connectors and clicking Trigger synchronization.