Connector for Cloudflare

How to connect?

To connect with Cloudflare, go to and click on Cloudflare. Next, follow these steps in the Cloudflare platform:

  1. Access your profile and navigate to API Tokens to create a Custom Token.
  2. Choose a descriptive name. You can re-use the same name in Detectify to identify the connector or choose a new one.
  3. Set permissions to Zone, DNS, and Read.
  4. Include all or specific zones under Zone Resources depending on your needs.
  5. Continue and create the API Token.
  6. Copy the API Token and paste it into the Add connector flow in the Detectify tool.

When the connector is created, it will be seen in the list of connectors on the connectors page. Domains stored in Cloudflare will be synced with your Detectify team continuously. You can also manually sync by clicking the Action menu on your Cloudflare connector in the list of connectors and clicking Trigger synchronization.

IP filtering

If you would like to filter API-request based on source IP, the Detectify connectors will make requests originating from the following IP addresses:
