Connector for GoDaddy

How to connect?

To connect with GoDaddy, go to and click on GoDaddy. Then follow these steps:

  1. Start by giving the connector a descriptive name.
  2. In GoDaddy, navigate to the tab API Keys and then Create New API Key.
  3. Set Environment to Production and go next.
  4. Copy Key and Secret and paste them into the Add connector flow in the Detectify tool.
  5. If you need to add your Shopper ID you will find it under your account profile settings. This can also be added in the optional field in the Add connector flow in the Detectify tool.

When the connector is created, it will be seen in the list of connectors on the connectors page. Domains stored in GoDaddy will be synced with your Detectify team continuously. You can also manually sync by clicking the Action menu on your GoDaddy connector in the list of connectors and clicking Trigger synchronization.